Fireproof Safes

Fireproof Safes

  • Fire Locker safe box fireproof file document deposit safe furniture home office F1300CDL
  • Fire Locker safe box fireproof file document deposit safe furniture home office F1300CDL
  • Fire Locker safe box fireproof file document deposit safe furniture home office F1300CDL
  • Fire Locker safe box fireproof file document deposit safe furniture home office F1300CDL
  • Fire Locker safe box fireproof file document deposit safe furniture home office F1300CDL
Fire Locker safe box fireproof file document deposit safe furniture home office F1300CDL Fire Locker safe box fireproof file document deposit safe furniture home office F1300CDL Fire Locker safe box fireproof file document deposit safe furniture home office F1300CDL Fire Locker safe box fireproof file document deposit safe furniture home office F1300CDL Fire Locker safe box fireproof file document deposit safe furniture home office F1300CDL

Fire Locker safe box fireproof file document deposit safe furniture home office F1300CDL

  • Size(HxWxD):1300X700X640mm
  • Color: Grey Net Weight: 286kgs
  • Opening Way: digital locks with keys
  • Shelf: Two shelf+ one drawer Fire Rating: 1 hour
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Steel Digital Security fireproof safe box deposit locker for home office bank F350CDL

Product Description:

* Fireproof safe

* Four rubber base feet

* Removable shelf

* Heavy duty vault style door, hinges and multi-walled body construction

* Multi-walled body contain special fireproof material(foaming concrete)

* One way or three way locking bolt with 20mm of diameter of the bolt

* Equipped with high quality electronic panel 

* Ensuring the inner temperature less than 350F, while exposed in 1700F flame for 1 hour

* Excellent powder coating finish in body color deep grey and door color in light grey

* Standard delivery with mechanical lock and 2 keys


Steel Digital Security fireproof safe box deposit locker for home office bank


Steel Digital Security fireproof safe box deposit locker for home office bank

Open with digital codes and keys

 Strong heavy duty body construction with 

live/dead bolts

Steel Digital Security fireproof safe box deposit locker for home office bank


               Steel Digital Security fireproof safe box deposit locker for home office bank

Up to 1 hour fire rating time

With removable shelf and tray

Fireproof safes Series:

Steel Digital Security fireproof safe box deposit locker for home office bank


Turas Factaraidh:





Pasgan àbhaisteach airson cisteachan-tasgaidh 

(bogsa donn)

Pasgan puist le ochd 

coircer pacaid (airson meud beag)

Pasgan puist le mullach & 

foams ìosal (airson meud mòr)




Pasgan poca PE àbhaisteach 

for glas

Pasgan blister airson glasan

2 phasgan blister pacaid airson 


Mu ar deidhinn

Is e companaidh a th’ ann an Rockmax Security a bhios a’ saothrachadh agus a’ sgaoileadh thoraidhean tèarainteachd, a’ toirt a-steach cisteachan-tasgaidh, glasan, cùis chruaidh dìon agus drathair airgid. Tha an sgioba reic is taic againn an-còmhnaidh air cùl, a’ feitheamh ri do chuideachadh le co-dhùnaidhean toraidh no feumalachdan teachdaiche.


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